The registered accounting firm KPMG AB was re-elected (at the Annual General Meeting 2024) as Nelly Group's auditor for the period until the close of the Annual General Meeting 2025. Mathias Arvidsson, certified public accountant, is responsible for the audit of the company on behalf of KPMG.
The auditors report their findings to the shareholders by means of the auditors’ report, which is presented to the AGM. In addition, the auditors report detailed findings to the Audit Committee twice a year and to the full Board once a year, and annually provide written assurance of their impartiality and independence to the Audit Committee.
KPMG also provided certain additional services during 2017-2020. These services comprised consultation on accounting and other audit-related assignments.
The audit assignment involves examination of the annual report and financial accounting, administration by the Board and CEO, other tasks related to the duties of a company auditor, and consultation or other services which may result from observations noted during such examination or implementation of such other tasks.